Mystery - The Legend of Atlantis - The Battle of Armageddon Part 2/2



Humans still recognized that theyre a part of god on earth and nothing exists separately from god. They were conscious that if they were a part of the creational spirit, which has been materialized for millions of years, they had to possess in themselves dormant, the almighty powers waiting to be awakened. Thousands of years ago the gods came down to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis. Human civilization was formed and reached a peak with Atlantis. Part 5, The Battle of Armageddon (Finding the Truth)For millenniums the secrets of creation were exclusively limited to an elite of secret societies. Now we have entered the so-called Last Days where these secret societies like the Freemasons and the secret political lodges lose their power. This exciting video documentation will reveal the Atlantean secret knowledge on the hollow world and their extraterrestrial civilizations. The secret of the pyramids, the Sphinx, world-wide underground tunnel systems, flight movement of the Nazis to the South Pole and much more allow the viewer to obtain an overview over the final secrets of the past and its connection with extraterrestrials.