Military and War - Google Darfur



Since 2003 militias known as the Janjaweed under orders from the sudanese government have killed over 200,000 civilians and another 2.5 million have been forced into refugee camps. In a bid to secure their oil interests inside of sudan and chad, many of the worlds major governments pour weapons and cash into the region and remain passive to the growing carnage allowing the violence to spread further into neighboring chad. Frustrated by the situation, in February 2007 Matt Bowen from Canada and Robert Simental from the US traveled to Eastern Chad. This is the story the captured. Darfur is back in the news again, while American understanding of the situation has not improved. So we felt it a good time to bring this video to our viewers. Director Robert Simental made this special 28 minute version of the film just for Indymedia Presents.

Documentaries from category Military and War