Science - Darwin's Dangerous Idea



Andrew Marr explores how Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection has taken on a life of its own far beyond the world of science. In the first episode of the three-part series, he argues that Darwins theory has transformed our understanding of what it means to be human. Over the last 150 years, Darwins ideas have challenged the need for a creator, undermined religious authority, and provided new ways of looking at the origins of human morality. Andrew Marr discovers something surprising about his own evolutionary history as this epic series continues with an exploration of Darwins impact on politics and society. Under the banner of Survival of the Fittest, Darwins theory of natural selection has been used to justify imperial expansion and the oppression of indigenous peoples to inform the science of eugenics - the selective breeding of humans which was implemented in the United States in the early 20th century and to provide a veneer of scientific respectability to Nazi plans to create an Aryan master race. It was also used quite explicitly to explain the twisted logic of the final solution. In the final episode of this ground-breaking series about Charles Darwins legacy, Andrew Marr discovers how Darwins ideas are helping us to save ourselves and all life on earth from extinction. Marr argues that Charles Darwin is the father of ecology. The modern environmental movement was built upon his insight that all life on earth is linked by a delicate web of connections. He also discovers that Darwins dangerous idea is inspiring scientists to create a "flotilla of Darwinian Noahs Arks to help save life on earth from disaster.