Philosophy - One Giant Leap: What About Me?



Jamie Catto and Duncan Bridgeman travelled for 7 months through all 5 continents, and recorded in over 50 locations to create the most inspiring film and album they could imagine. Their mission was not only to gather insights on the huge universal themes of life from the most inspiring and illuminating people they could find, but also to seek out the cream of the worlds musicians and compose immense multi-layered music with them. Sometimes youre used to a way of life where the house is open but you dont go out because youve already lost the concept of freedom. But sometimes youre so anxious for freedom that you could free yourself from any prison or chains. It all depends on the strength of your concept of freedom. Youve got to realize one thing, and that is you need to tame your wild, crazy mind. Your mind has a very bad habit which we call it self-cherishing or What about me? Its a bore, its a drag, and nobody wants to hear it, so you can just shut up, get off of it, connect with people and give. Youll be so busy giving that youll have no time for yourself. Youre going to be a lot happier. This is the time for awakening for humans on the planet. This is the time to wake up out of the madness, because history of humanity is basically the history of insanity. But for the first time in the history of this insanity, the insanity is threatening to destroy us. So were coming to the end of this one way or another. Either we destroy ourselves or we wake up out of that dream, the nightmare. But to see your own madness is the beginning of healing insanity, because in every human being theres not only the madness, theres also the sanity. Mostly what you get through the media is the madness. But at the same time there are millions of other humans who already have that awakening within them so they can hear whats going on. In every child an ego gradually begins to develop and one of the first things child loves is his or her name. Im John, Im... and then other things come as the children grow up... Im a boy, Im a girl, Im strong, Im weak. The ego is always built on identification with this or that. Weve been trained and conditioned to shut down our spontaneous responses, our authentic and essential responses from a very early age. We are talked out of our feelings because nobody knows how to communicate from an emotional field. The idea of a shadow has to be liberated, we must go into the places that scare us, into the darkness and make friends with our demons. The wound is the key, because were all wounded by birth. Were like where am I, who am I. why am I here, where is he, where is she, and so were constantly recreating until we make peace with the loneliness and our own anger.