
Killer whales at SeaWorld are looked at and the truth about their conditions and abuse are shown in the new documentary, BLACKFISH. Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite went inside SeaWorld to show how Orcas turn on their handlers and how the animals suffer from being shipped around the world and treated abusively. It is a striking film that is shared here on BYOD with clips and in-depth discussion.FILM AND GUEST INFO:Blackfish - Many of us have experienced the excitement and awe of watching 8,000 pound orcas, or killer whales, soar out of the water and fly through the air at sea parks, as if in perfect harmony with their trainers. Yet this mighty black and white mammal has many sides -- a majestic, friendly giant, seemingly eager to take trainers for a ride around the pool, yet shockingly -- and unpredictably -- able to turn on them at a moments notice. BLACKFISH unravels the complexities of this dichotomy, employing the story of notorious performing whale Tilikum, who -- unlike any orca in the wild -- has taken the lives of several people while in captivity. So what went wrong?Shocking, never before seen footage and riveting interviews with trainers and experts manifest the orcas extraordinary nature, the species cruel treatment in captivity over the last four decades and the growing disillusionment of workers who were misled and endangered by the highly profitable sea-park industry. This emotionally wrenching, tautly structured story challenges us to consider our relationship to nature and reveals how little we humans truly know about these highly intelligent, and surprisingly sentient, fellow mammals that we only think we can control.