Psychology - ADHD: Living with Hyperactivity



BBC Medical Documentary. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most feared and misunderstood of all medical conditions. Despite over 200 scientific papers being published on this neurological condition every year, it remains stigmatised and controversial. Some doctors dont even believe it exists. Yet it is estimated that as many as 3-5% of the childhood population, and over one million adults in the UK are affected by ADHD. These people are often described as stupid, lazy, disorganised, wild, out of control or woozy on drugs. But the reality is altogether more complex, and deeply moving. The Hills Brian and Eleanor Hill think that Liam, their five-year-old son, could have ADHD. He is fearless, impulsive and rarely does what he is told. He is constantly on the go and Brian and Eleanor cannot take their eyes off him for a minute. They have tried all the conventional parenting techniques to control him, but nothing works. Eleanor feels she has been driven to the very edge by her sons behaviour. I never thought I could dislike a child so much, she says. The Fishers In Charlotte Fishers household, ADHD is normal. Both she and her children, Jazmine (11) and James (7), have already been diagnosed with it. All three show the classic symptoms of this neurological condition - inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. The result is a household with extremes of behaviours, chaos and disorganisation.