Health - Harry Massey: Choice Point



What do Sir Richard Branson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu Jack Canfield, Gregg Braden, Barbara Marx Hubbard and drug-addict-turned-addiction-counselor/life coach Brian Moran have in common? Each one faced a Choice Point in their lives - a life event or crises that became an opportunity for change. Faced with a challenge, each one of them chose a path that led toward serving the greater good on a large scale - and dramatically increased their satisfaction with their own lives. According to Harry Massey, the term Choice Point indicates a place of branching or forking, a point of possibility - the point of transformation. Our lives are constantly creating Choice Points. Crises can either be devastating or transformational depending on what youre able to learn from them. Harry is a writer, director, entrepreneur, and visionary. He directed the full-length documentary film Choice Point and co-wrote the companion book. He also founded the Choice Point Foundation, which helps people to understand their world and align their purpose so that they can collectively be the change. In addition, Harry co-founded NES Health Limited, and he has created several leading-edge health-related technologies. His passion for changing the face of health care arose from his own health challenge in his youth. Harry was also executive producer and co-writer of the best-selling documentary DVD The Living Matrix: A New Science of Healing.